Unless otherwise stated, the following terms apply to all works presented on this website, as well as any other works purchased from Ben Mortimer, whether as a one off print, or a commissioned work.
The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).
The copyright, as well as all moral rights in relation to all works created by Ben Mortimer (hereafter also referred to as “The Artist”) remains with Ben Mortimer in accordance with the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act.
Any assignment of copyright by The Artist to any other party will only be made in writing, in a separate agreement.
The Artist hereby grants a conditional license for the non-commercial, digital redistribution of their images through social media by private individuals. Specifically any individual may publish or share images from this website, except those identified by The Artist as “commissions” on any social media platform in the form of a ‘post’ or as an ‘avatar’ under the following conditions:
- The post identifies Ben Mortimer as the creator of the image, and provides a link to this website, or to social media accounts owned and operated by Ben Mortimer.
- The image and the post in which the image is used are not for commercial purposes, nor to the financial benefit of the poster or any entities or parties the to which the poster is connected.
- The posting account is not owned or operated by a corporate entity. Any corporate entities intending to post images from this website must first seek written permission from Ben Mortimer.
- The post and the posting account are non-political and can in no way be construed as attributing political views or affiliations to The Artist.
- The posting account has never advocated for political platforms that actively harm minority groups.
In addition The Artist grants a non-commercial license to create derivative works, both physical and digital, based upon the images on this website (including but not limited to remixing the artist’s images into new works, and creating so-called ‘fan works’) as long as the work and the person creating the work does so in line with the conditions laid out above.
This license may be revoked at any time, however The Artist undertakes to not ask for the removal of images that have already been posted unless the posting account violates one of the above conditions.
Any person or organisation wishing to use any images created by The Artist for commercial purposes, whether that be for direct financial benefit in the creation of a product featuring or based upon those images, or for indirect financial benefit in the form of promotion and advertising must obtain a separate license from The Artist to do so.
In the event that works belonging to The Artist are used for commercial purposes without a license, The Artist reserves the right to designate a license value to the works being used, and to invoice for the use of those works.
Derivative works created by private individuals may be used by those individuals for promotional portfolios, including where that portfolio is used to generate indirect financial benefit for that individual, without prior permission from The Artist, however these works must provide attribution for the original work to The Artist.
The ownership of a print does not transfer ownership of copyright of the image in the print. As such any image owned as a print may only be reproduced digitally, in accordance with the terms above. No person or organisation may make a physical copy of any work, in whole or in part, created by The Artist, without the express written permission of The Artist.
The sole exemption to this clause is if the work in question is featured in the background of a photographic or video recording (including film), and is not the subject of said recording. In this instance, The Artist waives their right to be identified as the creator of the work, and consents to this specific use of their image for commercial purposes. The Artist does not, however, consent to the use of their work in the background of photographs or videos used for political purposes, nor by any entity that has ever advocated for political platforms that harm minority groups.
Unless otherwise agreed, the copyright on any commissioned works is assumed to be held jointly by both The Artist and the person or organisation who commissioned the work (hereafter referred to as “The Client”). The Client may make reproductions of the work, both physical and digital, without the prior permission of The Artist. In addition The Client may assign their copyright as they see fit.
The Artist reserves the right to use the commissioned work for their own promotional purposes on this website, through social media, and in any other way The Artist sees fit. In addition, The Artist reserves the right to make and sell reproductions of the commissioned work.
Where practical, The Artist will endeavour to provide The Client with the original artwork created for the commission (where such a work exists), but thus may not be possible. Where this is not possible The Artist will provide The Client with either a physical print of the artwork made to the same standard as other prints sold by The Artist, or a digital scan/copy of the artwork at a minimum resolution of 600dpi.
Unless otherwise agreed, purchase of an original work does not automatically transfer copyright.
The Artist agrees that the owner of an original work (hereafter referred to as “The Owner”) may make reproductions of the artwork, both physical and digital, without prior permission of The Artist. The Owner may also reassign ownership of the artwork (and all associated rights) to any other party they wish.
The Artist asserts their right to be identified as the creator of the work where applicable, to use the artwork for their own promotional purposes on this website, through social media, and in any other way The Artist sees fit, and to make and sell reproductions of the artwork.